Asher Lejeune (artist)
Kathryn Nastasi (programmer)
Julia Grammes (programmer)
Kaden Vanderbrook (sound)
Leslyanne Warrington (sound)

Headspace (Early Concept)

Winner of Best Art at Chillennium 2019. All for one and one for all! Play as this young girl's brain as they unite all aspects of the body to overcome their anxieties.

An early concept prototype for our current project!

Made in forty-eight hours for Texas A&M's Chillennium 2019 game jam with the theme "All for one, and one for all." Headspace is a game about uniting different internal organs of the body, each representing different factors of depression and anxiety. You, the rational brain, perform a fetch quest for each of the organs, helping them cope with their symptom (one for all) which, in turn, helps your sleeping human cope as well (all for one).




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